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UnitSystem Enumeration

Unit systems available in the MIKE 1D system

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.Generic
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.Generic (in DHI.Mike1D.Generic.dll) Version: (
public enum UnitSystem
  Member nameValueDescription
NoConversion-2 Do not apply any unit conversions, but read/write data directly from/to storage
Automatic-1 Determine unit system automatically.

Use this e.g. when loading a result data object from storage and you want to use the unit system value stored with the result data (the unit system of the simulation)

Default0 Default unit system, mostly SI units
User1 User defined unit system. If no user unit is provided for a quantity, the default is being used.
UBG2 UBG unit system (Unit Base Group). This is using the GetUBGUnitProvider
US3 US unit system. This is using the GetUSUnitProvider
See Also