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PredefinedQuantity Enumeration

Enumeration of predefined quantities.

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.Generic
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.Generic (in DHI.Mike1D.Generic.dll) Version: (
public enum PredefinedQuantity
  Member nameValueDescription
WaterLevel0 Level of water, from a fixed zero level.
WaterLevelChange1 Level of water, from a fixed zero level.
WaterLevelCorrection2 Correction of water level. Used in Data Assimilation context.
WaterDepth3 Depth of water, from lowest bottom point to surface.
WaterVolume4 Volume of water
WaterVolumeAboveGround5 Volume of water in nodes above ground
WaterFlowRateAboveGround6 Water flow rate to node volume above ground
WaterVolumeRetainedInMaxInflow7 Volume of water retained in a reservoir due to a maximum inflow restriction
WaterVolumeM118 Volume of water, as calculated by M11
WaterVolumeChange9 Change of volume of water
MassError10 Mass Error
MassErrorM11Comp11 Mass Error - M11 version
MassErrorAccumulated12 Mass Error accumulated
MassErrorAbsAccumulated13 Mass Error accumulated
MassErrorChecksum14 Mass Error check sum
MassErrorAccumulatedChecksum15 Mass Error check sum
FlowArea16 Flow area
FlowAreaTsMean17 Flow area, mean value over last time step
FlowAreaInStructure18 Flow area in structure
FloodedArea19 Flooded area, surface area
GateLevel20 Gate level
Discharge21 Discharge
DischargeCorrection22 Correction of discharge. Used in Data Assimilation contexts
DischargePerLength23 Discharge per length
DischargePerArea24 Discharge per area
DischargeInStructure25 Discharge in structure
DischargeFromSurface26 Discharge from catchments. Maximum inflow can be applied so actual inflow may differ (used on nodes, limited by geometry of node cover)
DischargeOutflow27 Discharge Outflow through open boundaries, in m^3/s. Inflow is negative.
DischargeStepAveraged28 Discharge Step Accumulated
LateralSources29 Discharge in/out of network, in m^3/s
LateralInflow30 Discharge into network, in m^3/s
LateralOutflow31 Discharge into network, in m^3/s
LateralOutflowReduction32 Discharge into network, in m^3/s
TimestepInflow33 Discharge, inflow to model, in m^3
TimestepOutflow34 Discharge, outflow from model, in m^3
TotalInflow35 Discharge, inflow to model, total from start of simulation
TotalOutflow36 Discharge, outflow from model, total from start of simulation
NodeInfiltration37 Discharge that is multiplied by the maximum node surface area below current water level (used for MU node infiltration)
DischargeHPoints38 Discharge on H points
FlowVelocity39 Flow velocity
FlowVelocityInStructure40 Flow velocity in structure
WindVelocity41 Wind velocity
WindDirection42 Wind direction
FlowWidth43 Storage width/flow width
FlowWidthTsMean44 Storage width/flow width, mean value over last time step
TotalRunOff48 Total Runoff from RainfallRunoff model
HydraulicRadius49 Hydraulic radius
ManningResistanceNumber50 Resistance
ChezyResistanceNumber51 Resistance
BedLevel52 Bed shear stress
BedShearStress53 Bed shear stress
CourantNumber54 CourantNumber number
Froude55 Froude number
WaterLevelSlope56 Water Level Slope
EnergyLevelSlope57 Energy Level Slope
EnergyLevel58 Energy Level
Conveyance59 Energy Level
NetRainfall60 Net rainfall
CatchmentDischarge61 Catchment Discharge
TotalLoad62 Total Load
WeirDischarge63 Discharge through a weir
PumpDischarge64 Obsolete. Discharge through a pump
PumpIsActive65 Pump is on
OverlandFlow66 Overland Flow Routed From Second Reservoir (NAM)
InterFlow67 Inter Flow Routed From Second Reservoir (NAM)
TotalBaseFlow68 Total Base Flow (NAM) - BaseFlow and LowerBaseFlow
BaseFlow69 Base Flow (NAM)
LowerBaseFlow70 Lower Base Flow (NAM)
InterFlowAndBaseFlow71 Inter Flow And Base Flow (NAM)
OverlandAndInterflow72 Overland and inter Flow Routed From Second Reservoir (NAM)
ActualRainfall73 Actual Rainfall
ActualEvaporation74 Actual Evaporation
RootZoneStorage75 Lower Zone Storage (NAM)
SurfaceStorage76 Surface Storage (NAM)
GroundWaterDepth77 Ground Water Depth (NAM)
InfiltrationToGroundWater78 Infiltration To Ground Water (NAM)
InfiltrationFlow79 Infiltration To Ground Water (NAM)
TotalInfiltration80 Total Infiltration
OverlandFlowFirstReservoir81 Overland Flow Routed From First Reservoir (NAM)
InterFlowFirstReservoir82 Inter Flow Routed From First Reservoir (NAM)
CapillaryFlux83 Capillary Flux (NAM)
OverlandFirstReservoirStorage84 Overland Flow First Reservoir Storage (NAM)
OverlandSecondReservoirStorage85 Overland Flow Second Reservoir Storage (NAM)
IrrigationSupply86 Irrigation Supply (NAM)
SnowStorage87 Snow Cover (NAM)
Temperature88 Temperature
ZoneTemperature89 Zone Temperature (NAM)
ZoneRainfall90 Zone Rainfall (NAM)
ZoneWaterRetention91 Zone Water Retention (NAM)
ZoneMeltingCoeff92 Zone Snow Storage (NAM)
ZoneSnowAreaCoverage93 Zone Snow Area Coverage (NAM)
ZoneMeltingWater94 Zone Melting Water (NAM)
ValveOpening95 Valve opening
CrestLevel96 Creste level
Force97 Force, e.g. coming from wind shear stress
GroundWaterLeakage98 Ground water leakage. Per second, multiplied on (wet perimenter)*(water depth)*(dx) on h-grid points
DamBreakBreachLevel99 Dam break breach level [m]
DamBreakBreachWidth100 Dam break breach width [m]
DamBreakBreachSlope101 Dam break breach slope
DamBreakPipeTopLevel102 Dam break pipe bottom level level [m]
InfiltrationToGroundWaterMinusCapillaryFlux103 NAM catchment recharge minus capillary flux
ControlStrategyId104 ID of a control strategy applied to a controlled item (a clas that implements Generic.IControllable)
Concentration105 Concentration of AD component
CO1106 CO1 coefficient on HDGridPoint. Used for M21 couplings
CO2107 CO2 coefficient on HDGridPoint. Used for M21 couplings
CO3108 CO2 coefficient on HDGridPoint. Used for M21 couplings
CO4109 CO2 coefficient on HDGridPoint. Used for M21 couplings
WaterSpillDischarge110 Water spill rate from spilling nodes
DamBreakBreachFlow111 Dam break breach flow
DamBreakCrestFlow112 Dam break crest flow
WaterSpillVolume113 Water spill volume from spilling nodes
NodeSources114 Discharge in/out of network, in m^3/s
NodeInflow115 Discharge into network, in m^3/s
NodeOutflow116 Discharge into network, in m^3/s
NodeInflowVolume117 Discharge volume into network, in m^3
NodeOutflowVolume118 Discharge volume out of network, in m^3
WaterSurcharge119 Water surcharge from nodes
FullReachDischarge120 Full reach discharge
SurfacePreciEvapoTranspiration121 Discharge per area through surface interface
ControlVariables122 All control module variables.
DischargeLTSContinuous123 LTS continuous discharge including dry weather flow between the jobs.
SourcesInflow124 Sources inflow. TODO: This is used only by SummedQuantityItem. Consider replacing NodeSourcesInflow and LateralSourcesInflow by just SourcesInflow.
Remember to add an entry to the PredefinedQuantityTable whenever a new PredefinedQuantity is created.
See Also