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TopExtensionType Enumeration

Type of extension of processed data.

The values ending with Flag are flags that can be combined with the other type values.

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.Generic
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.Generic (in DHI.Mike1D.Generic.dll) Version: (
public enum TopExtensionType
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 Processed data is not extended
ClosedNarrowing2 For a closed cross section the processed data is extended beyond the geometry with a channel of decreasing width.
ClosedProcessedNarrowing4 For a closed processed cross section (no raw data) the processed data is extended beyond the geometry with a channel of decreasing width. This is a pre-processing extension that is computed when the simulation is starting.
ClosedNarrowingAreaConstant34 For a closed cross section the processed data is extended beyond the geometry with a channel of decreasing width. The area will be constant for all exteded levels, equalling the area of the top of the un-extended cross section
ClosedProcessedNarrowingAreaConstant36 For a closed processed cross section (no raw data) the processed data is extended beyond the geometry with a channel of decreasing width. This is a pre-processing extension that is computed when the simulation is starting. The area will be constant for all exteded levels, equalling the area of the top of the un-extended cross section.
AreaConstantFlag32 Flag specifying how to handle the area in the extended data. If the flag is not set, the area in the extended area will match the widths and will slowly increase. If the flag is set, the area will be constant all the way up the extension.
See Also