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ZLocationSpan Class

Location span. Identified by two points: Start chainage [m] and end chainage [m]
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.Generic
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.Generic (in DHI.Mike1D.Generic.dll) Version: (
public class ZLocationSpan : LocationSpan

The ZLocationSpan type exposes the following members.

Public methodZLocationSpan
Public propertyEndChainage
End chainage. Unit: [m]
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Public propertyEndZ
Z value at end of location span [m]
Public propertyExtensionData
Data from an extended DataContract not recognized here
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Public propertyID
Identification name
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Public propertyStartChainage
Start chainage. Unit: [m]
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Public propertyStartZ
Z value at start of location span [m]
Public methodClone
Produce a deep clone of the object
(Overrides LocationSpanClone.)
Public methodCompareTo
Compares the current instance with another object of the same type.
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Public methodContains(ILocation)
Decides wheather location is contained inside the location span or on the edge of the span. Location comparisons are case insensitive, and uses the Constants.LOCATION_EQUAL_TOLERANCE, i.e., the location can be tolerance outside the span and still be contained.
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Public methodContains(ILocation, Double)
Decides wheather location is contained inside the location span or on the edge of the span. Location comparisons are case insensitive, and uses the tolerance, i.e., the location can be tolerance outside the span and still be contained. Negative values for tolerance are allowed ("shortening" the span)
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Public methodContainsChainage(Double)
Decides wheather a chainage value is contained inside the location span chainage values or on the edge of the span. Comparison uses the Constants.LOCATION_EQUAL_TOLERANCE, i.e., the chainage can be tolerance outside the span and still be contained.
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Public methodContainsChainage(Double, Double)
Decides wheather a chainage value is contained inside the location span chainage values. Comparison uses the tolerance parameter i.e., the chainage can be tolerance outside the span before it is contained. Negative values for tolerance are allowed ("shortening" the span)
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Public methodCreateLocation
Creates a location at the specified chainage of the span. Derived data is automatically calculated at the location. The chainage must lay within the span, otherwise null is returned
(Overrides LocationSpanCreateLocation(Double).)
Public methodCreateSubLocationSpan
Creates a sub-locationSpan defined within chainage interval. Derived data is automatically adjusted to match locationspan The chainages must lay within the span.
(Overrides LocationSpanCreateSubLocationSpan(Double, Double).)
Public methodStatic memberCreateZLocationSpan
Create a ZLocationSpan from an ILocationSpan. Z values will be zero
Public methodEquals(Object)
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Public methodEquals(ILocationSpan)
Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. The LocationSpan chainages must be within LOCATION_EQUAL_TOLERANCE.
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetEndLocation
Gets the end location of the span.
(Overrides LocationSpanGetEndLocation.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Public methodGetStartLocation
Gets the start location of the span.
(Overrides LocationSpanGetStartLocation.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIDEquals
Check if the ID equals the others ID, case ignored (culture invariant)
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Public methodinterpolateZAt
Interpolate Z value at given chainage. It is not tested whether the chainage is inside span, use Contains
Public methodIntersection(ILocationSpan)
Returns the intersection of this and other. There must be a strict overlap, i.e., the intersection must be larger than LOCATION_EQUAL_TOLERANCE.
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Public methodIntersection(ILocationSpan, Double)
Returns the intersection of this and other. There must be a strict overlap, i.e., the intersection must be larger than minOverlap. Set to zero if very small overlaps is allowed.
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Public methodIntersection(Double, Double, Double)
Returns the intersection of this and chainages of another locationspan. There must be a strict overlap, i.e., the intersection must be larger than minOverlap. Set to zero if very small overlaps is allowed.
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Public methodLength
Length of the location span.
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMidPoint
Returns location midway in the location span
(Overrides LocationSpanMidPoint.)
Public methodOverLaps(ILocationSpan)
Decides whether a location span overlaps the current locationSpan. If overlap is less than LOCATION_EQUAL_TOLERANCE, false is returned.
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Public methodOverLaps(ILocationSpan, Double)
Decides whether a location span overlaps the current locationSpan. If overlap is less than minOverlap, false is returned.
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Public methodOverLaps(Double, Double, Double)
Decides whether a location span overlaps the chainages of another locationSpan. If overlap is less than minOverlap, false is returned.
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Public methodStrictContains(ILocation)
Decides whether location is contained inside the location span. Inside is understood as startChainage > location.Chainage and location.Chainage > endChainage Location comparisons are case insensitive, and uses the Constants.LOCATION_EQUAL_TOLERANCE, i.e., location.Chainage must be tolerance inside the span to evaluate to true.
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Public methodStrictContains(ILocationSpan)
Decides whether a location span is contained inside this location span. This is the case when both the start and end location is contained inside the location span
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Public methodStrictContainsChainage
Decides wheather a chainage value is strictly contained inside the location span chainage values. Comparison uses the Constants.LOCATION_EQUAL_TOLERANCE, i.e., the chainage must be tolerance inside the span before it is contained.
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Public methodToString
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Protected field_endChainage
End chainage [m]
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
Protected field_startChainage
Start chainage [m]
(Inherited from LocationSpan.)
See Also