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Class library and API documentation for DHI.Mike1D
AD setup parameters
The boundary model contains boundary setup parameters. The boundary module handles as well open boundary conditions as forcings, for as well HD, AD, ST as RR simulations.
Periodic/diurnal boundary item
The control module is a generic module capable of controlling various quantities as e.g. gate levels in gate structures. The control is implemented by a state machine, where conditions and actions utilize generic expressions from DHI.Math.Expression.
A cross section defines the profile across the reach (perpendicular to the flow direction) at a location. It provides the width, area and other properties of the profile for any water level. From the MIKE 1D engine point of view, a cross section is to provide the functionality defined by the ICrossSection interface.

Cross section database

The CrossSectionData is a database of ICrossSection's. A cross section is indexed by it location (reach id, chainage) and a topography id (topo-id).

The topography id is used to handle different scenarios. Example: A river was measured in 1980 and again in 2000. Both set of data can be entered into the same cross section database, the first set with a topography id of 1980, the other with the topography id of 2000. Whenever searching for cross sections, the topography id must be provided to specify which data set to use. The topography id can be set on each network reach (IReach) individually, using the TopoID property.

The location of a cross section can be specified in two different ways: By their reach id and chainage, or by their reach id only.

  • Reach id and chainage: On a given reach there can be a number of cross sections for different chainages. The bottom level is defined by each cross section individually. This is the traditional MIKE 11 definition.
  • Reach id only: On a given reach you can specify one cross section that is valid for the entire reach. The bottom level is extracted from the network geometry - LocationSpan (digipoints). This is the traditional MIKE URBAN definition.

The cross section database can read and write data to and from the MIKE 11 cross section file, .xns11, using the CrossSectionDataFactory.

Cross section API and classes

The ICrossSection does not necessarily know anything about the geometry of the unerlying cross section, whether it is circular, rectangular open or closed; it can be based on tabulated values or formulas. The ICrossSection can have a BaseCrossSection that it delegates its work to. The BaseCrossSection property returns a XsBase

The XsBase is an implementation of the ICrossSection functionality based on processed data. There are a number of specialized derived base cross sections, implementing each their own geometric version of the XsBase.

  • XsCircular: A circular cross section with a diameter. This is the circular MIKE 11 cross section
  • XsCircularPreprocessed: A circular cross section that can have three different forms: circular, egg-shaped or O-shaped. this is the MIKE URBAN circular cross sections. Processed data can not be modified.
  • XsRectangular: A cross section with width and a height. This is the rectangular MIKE 11 cross section
  • XsRectangularPreprocessed: A cross section with a widt and a height, and a small depression at the bottom to handle low flow situations. This is the rectangular MIKE URBAN cross section. Processed data can not be modified.
  • XsBaseRaw: Cross section with raw data, a set of X-Z cross section points, defining the geometry of the cross section. It comes in two variations: XsOpen, which is the standard open cross section. XsPolygon, a closed cross section, the last cross section point is connected to the first cross section point, thereby closing the cross section.

ECO Lab setup parameters
MIKE 1D computational engine.
Engine add-ons, for calculating various derived data.
Classes for helping coupling to other 1D and 2D models.
AD Module
Data Module. Used for additional output and various processing while the engine is running.
HD Module
ST Module
Library for calculating extent of river in projection coordiantes. A river is defined by a center line and cross sections, and this library can calculate river bank lines from the center line and the cross sections.
Generic library for the MIKE 1D system.
Various collection classes used by MIKE 1D.
Various graph algorithms
Various math algorithms.
Parameters for HD type simulations, also includes AD, ST and similar parameters related to a HD simulation, initial conditions etc.
Mike1DDataAccess is the overall data access component, containing data for an entire simulation and from all other data access components.
Pump Emergency Storage functionality.
Reading and writing of model state.
The network data component contains the network topology.
Plugin support, interfaces and classes.
The RainfallRunoffModule component contains various catchment models for calculating runoff from catchments
LID in Rainfall Runoff models
Storm Water Quality module.
The DHI.Mike1D.ResultDataAccess component provides common access to a variety of network file formats. It is the main data access component for the MIKE 1D result files, having the .res1d extension. It does also provide support for reading result files from MIKE 11 and MIKE URBAN/MOUSE.
Launching and controlling a simulation, user interface and progress reporting.
Parameters for sediment transport.
The StructureModule component contains various structures that can be put in the network and has special discharge calculations.