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DHI.Mike1D.ModelState Namespace

Reading and writing of model state.
Public classBlockReaderXml
Block writer implementation, outputting XML
Public classBlockWriterXml
Block writer implementation, outputting XML
Public classModelStateExtensions
Extension for reading/writing state
Public classModelStateReader
Class for reading model state file.
Public classModelStateWriter
Class for writing to state stream.

It supports optional objects and optional values. Whenever a non-optional object or value is included, all earlier optional object and values at that level and lower will be added to the stream. Objects with purely optional sub-objects and parameters will not be added to the stream.

The optional object can be used if an ancestor does not know whether a child actually contains state, so the ancestor can add itself and its parameters as optional, and only if a child has state, the ancestor values will be included.

Public classStateNode
State node. Helper class for reading and writing state.
Public classStateReach
State reach. Helper class for reading and writing state.
Public classStatestartInfo
Structure to store state start information.
Public interfaceIBlockReader
Interface for a block reader
Public interfaceIBlockWriter
Interface for a block writer
Public interfaceIModelStateReadWrite
Interface of model class that can handle state
Public enumerationStateDataType
Type of state data. Can be used to select which part of the state to apply or exclude.
Public enumerationStateReachType
Type of reach. Helper enum for reading and writing state.
Public enumerationStateReadMode
Read mode enumeration, describing what happens when reading and old/new version of a state file.
Public enumerationStateToken
Tokens in state