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PredefinedQuantityAD Enumeration

Enumeration of predefined quantities for AD components.

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.Generic
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.Generic (in DHI.Mike1D.Generic.dll) Version: (
public enum PredefinedQuantityAD
  Member nameValueDescription
Concentration1 Concentration of AD component
Transport2 Mass transport of AD component
TransportSpill3 Mass transport spill of AD component
TransportInfiltration4 Mass transport infiltration of AD component
TransportAccumulated5 Accumulated mass transport of AD component
TransportTotalMassChange6 Total mass change rate
TransportTotalSources7 Total mass change rate from sources
TransportTotalSinks8 Total mass change rate from sinks
TransportTotalBoundaryInflow9 Total mass change rate from boundary inflow
TransportTotalBoundaryOutflow10 Total mass change rate from boundary outflow
Mass11 Mass of AD component
MassTotal12 Total mass of AD component
MassTotalSources13 Total mass of AD component from sources
MassTotalSinks14 Total mass of AD component to sinks
MassTotalBoundaryInflow15 Total mass of AD component from boundary inflow
MassTotalBoundaryOutflow16 Total mass of AD component to boundary outflow
MassRouted17 Routed mass in SWQ simulation
MassRoutedAccumulated18 Total routed mass in SWQ simulation
MassOnCatchment19 Mass of pollutant on catchment in SWQ simulation
MassError20 Mass error in the simulation for AD component
MassErrorTotal21 Total mass error in the simulation for AD component
MassErrorAccumulated22 Accumulated mass error in the simulation for AD component
MassErrorAbsAccumulated23 Modulus accumulated mass error in the simulation for AD component
MassErrorTotalAccumulated24 Total accumulated mass error in the simulation for AD component
MassErrorTotalAbsAccumulated25 Total modulus accumulated mass error in the simulation for AD component
MassErrorChecksum26 Mass error checksum for AD component
MassErrorTotalChecksum27 Total mass error checksum for AD component
MassErrorAccumulatedChecksum28 Accumulated mass error checksum for AD component
MassErrorAbsAccumulatedChecksum29 Modulus accumulated mass error checksum for AD component
MassErrorTotalAbsAccumulatedChecksum30 Total modulus accumulated mass error checksum for AD component
Decay31 First order decay of AD component
DecayTotal32 Total first order decay of AD component
DecayAccumulated33 Accumulated first order decay of AD component
DecayTotalAccumulated34 Total accumulated first order decay of AD component
CatchmentDischargeTransport35 Catchment discharge mass load
Load36 Load in rainfall runoff or catchment discharge
LoadFraction37 Fraction of load in AD pollutant (RR or CD)
SourcesInflow38 Load into network
ConcentrationLTSContinuous39 LTS continuous concentration including dry weather flow between the jobs.
LoadLTSContinuous40 LTS continuous load including dry weather flow between the jobs.
Remember to add an entry to the PredefinedQuantityTableADComponent whenever a new PredefinedQuantityAD is created.
See Also