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PredefinedQuantityST Enumeration

Enumeration of predefined quantities for ST components.

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.Generic
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.Generic (in DHI.Mike1D.Generic.dll) Version: (
public enum PredefinedQuantityST
  Member nameValueDescription
BedLoad1 Bed load transport
SuspendedLoad2 Suspended face transport
BedLoadRemoval3 Bed load removal
Transport4 Sediment transport
TransportFraction5 Fraction of sediment transport
TransportAccumulated6 Accumulated sediment transport
BedLoadRemovalAccumulated7 Accumulated bed load removal
BedLoadRemovalAccumulatedTotal8 Accumulated bed load removal
ActiveLayerFraction9 Active layer fraction
PassiveLayerFraction10 Passive layer fraction
MassError11 Mass error in the simulation for ST component
FractionalConcentration12 Suspended concentration
FractionalTotalLayerThickness13 Total layer thickness for non-cohesive fractions
FractionalActiveLayerThickness14 Active layer thickness for non-cohesive fractions
FractionalPassiveLayerThickness15 Passive layer thickness for non-cohesive fractions
FractionalTotalLayerMass16 Total layer mass for non-cohesive fractions
FractionalActiveLayerMass17 Active layer mass for non-cohesive fractions
FractionalPassiveLayerMass18 Passive layer mass for non-cohesive fractions
FractionalSurfaceDistribution19 Surface distribution for non-cohesive fractions
MassOnCatchment20 Mass of sediment fraction on catchment (per fraction)
MassTransport21 Total sediment mass transport (per fraction)
MassTransportAccumulated22 Total routed mass of sediment fraction in SWQ simulation (per fraction)
CohesiveDeposition23 Concentration of all components
BedLevel24 Bed level
BedLevelChange25 Bed level change since simulation start
GeometricMeanDiameter26 Geometric mean diameter
SkinFriction27 Skin friction
BedShearStress28 Dimensionless bed shear stress
DimensionlessBedShearStress29 Dimensionless bed shear stress
d5030 Grain size d50
d9031 Grain size d90
SedimentVolumeChange32 Sediment volume change
ActiveLayerThickness33 Active layer thickness
BedLoadTotal34 Bed load transport (integrated over fractions)
SuspendedLoadTotal35 Suspended face transport (integrated over fractions)
TransportTotal36 Total sediment transport (integrated over fractions)
TransportAccumulatedTotal37 Total accumulated sediment transport (integrated over fractions)
BedLoadRemovalTotal38 Total Bed load removal
ConcentrationTotal39 Concentration of all components
LayerThicknessTotal40 Total layer thickness
ActiveLayerThicknessTotal41 Total active layer thickness
PassiveLayerThicknessTotal42 Total passive layer thickness
MassOnCatchmentTotal43 Mass of all sediment fractions on catchment (integrated over fractions)
MassTransportTotal44 Total sediment mass transport (integrated over fractions)
MassTransportAccumulatedTotal45 Total routed mass of sediments in SWQ simulation (integrated over fractions)
Remember to add an entry to the PredefinedQuantityTableST or PredefinedQuantityTableSTComponent whenever a new PredefinedQuantityST is created.
See Also