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StructureTypes Enumeration

Type of structure

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.StructureModule
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.StructureModule (in DHI.Mike1D.StructureModule.dll) Version: (
public enum StructureTypes
  Member nameValueDescription
Regular0 Regular structure, obstructing the flow in the river.
SideStructure1 Side structure, working as a structure-outlet on the side of the river, where water will leave the system.
SideStructureWithReservoir2 Side structure with an attached reservoir, water leaving the river will enter a reservoir.

The geometry of the side structure is specified in the SideStructureReservoir

This is an easy way of setting up a structure on a structure reach and connected to a basin.

SubStructure3 Sub-structure is not an independent structure, but part of another structure or component. This type of structure is not added directly to the model, but are by the HD module considered as disabled. The effect of this type of structure is included implicitly by the "user" of the sub-structure, usually being another structure.
See Also