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LIDLayerSurface Properties

The LIDLayerSurface type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDepth
Depth of surface storage [m]. State variable
Public propertyDepthOld
Depth of surface storage in last time step[m].
Public propertyEvap
Evaporation rate from surface [m/s]
Public propertyInfil
Infiltration rate from surface to lower layer [m/s]
Public propertyManningM
Manning´s M for overland flow over the surface.
Public propertyOutflow
Outflow rate (overflow/runoff) from surface [m/s]
Public propertySlope
Slope of surface (fraction).
Public propertyStorageHeight
Height of surface storage [m]. Above this depth, overflow occurs.
Public propertySurfaceAlpha
Helper variable, containing
. If zero, routing is disabled.
Public propertyUsesRouting
Bool indicating if routing is enabled (SurfaceAlpha is greater than zero).
Public propertyVegetationFraction
The fraction of the surface storage that is filled with vegetation.

Default value: 0. Unit: [m].

Public propertyVolume
Volume of water per area [m] contained on surface
See Also