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IPESEData Properties

The IPESEData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlarmLevels
Node Id to alarm level dictionary
Public propertyAlarmsId
Alarms Id
Public propertyAlarmTimes
Node Id to time when alarm level is reached
Public propertyCheckOnlyWetWellCriticalLevel
Alarm level check is done only at the wet well node for the main pump station
Public propertyFreeboard
Freeboard, which is defined globally. An alarm level for a node is determined as ground level minus the freeboard.
Public propertyPESEId
Pump Emergency Storage Estimator Id
Public propertyPumpedVolumes
Pump Id to pumped volume from pump stop time to alarm time
Public propertyPumpSection
List of pump section Ids. The first Id corresponds to the main pump station.
Public propertyPumpSectionId
Pump section Id
Public propertyPumpStop
Flag specifying that all pumps except for the main pump need to be stopped during RunNumber=2
Public propertyPumpStopDelay
Pumps are stopped with delay
Public propertyPumpStopTime
Time to stop pumps
Public propertyRunMode
Run mode
Public propertyRunNumber
Run number
Public propertyScenarioId
Scenario Id
Public propertySimulationId
Simulation Id
See Also