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EngineExtensions Methods

The EngineExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberDigipoints(EngineReach)
Get the digipoints of the reach
Public methodStatic memberDigipoints(EngineReach, Int32)
Get the ith digipoint of the reach
Public methodStatic memberDirectionUnitVector
Calculates the direction vector of the reach at the given gridpoint, as the average from the last to the next gridpoint.
Public methodStatic memberFindReachWithStructure
For a given structure, find the reach where it is located. Or null if it is not found.
Public methodStatic memberFlowIntoNode
Evalueate whether flow is into or out of the node.

When discharge is very small, water level slope is also taken into account.

Public methodStatic memberGetPorosity
Get surface area of geometry at provided level, by interpolation
Public methodStatic memberGetProxy(IModule)
Public methodStatic memberGetProxy(IModule, EngineNode)
Public methodStatic memberGetProxy(IModule, EngineReach)
Public methodStatic memberGetProxy(IModule, EngineReach, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberGetProxyReachGeneric
Public methodStatic memberGetSurfaceArea
Get surface area of geometry at provided level, by interpolation
Public methodStatic memberGetSurfaceAreaCone
Get surface area of geometry at provided level, by interpolation of cone/pyramid geometry
Public methodStatic memberGetValueOrDefaultT
Get engine data for the specified node, or returns null if node has no data
Public methodStatic memberGetVolume
Get volume of geometry at provided level
Public methodStatic memberGetVolumeCone
Get volume of geometry at provided level, by interpolation of cone/pyramid geometry
Public methodStatic memberIsAutoCreated
If node is automatically created. This happens when reach start/end connections are based on locations.
Public methodStatic memberIsHDNode(EngineNet, EngineNode)
Returns true if the engine node is an HD node
Public methodStatic memberIsHDNode(EngineNet, Int32)
Returns true if the engine node at index i is an HD node
Public methodStatic memberIsHdReach
Returns true if the engine reach is a HD reach
Public methodStatic memberIsPressureNode
Returns true if the engine node is in a pressurized section
Public methodStatic memberIsRoutingReach
Returns true if the engine reach is a routing reach
Public methodStatic memberIsSpillingNode
If node is spilling node, i.e. is a volume node, and has a cover that supports spilling
Public methodStatic memberIsStructureOutlet
Returns true if the engine node is a structure outlet
See Also