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SourceLink Methods

The SourceLink type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdjustWaterLevelBoundaryValue
Adjust water level boundary value. When external water depth is small, a similar small depth is applied to MIKE 1D, handling differences in external and 1D bottom levels.
(Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodApplyCouplingForcing
This function is called by the perform time step routine, and it implements the interaction (water flows) coming from M21
Public methodApplyExponentialSmoothing
Apply smoothing on the water level value.

Smoothing must be applied after calling AdjustWaterLevelBoundaryValue.

(Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodAssignExternalConcentrationsToOutletBoundary
Assign external concentrations to outlet boundary.
(Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodAssignExternalWaterLevelToOutletBoundary
Assign water level to outlet boundary.
(Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodCheckGroundLevels
Check that ground levels match. This is valid for inlet links
Public methodCheckLinkBottomLevels
Check bottom levels of outlet and surface, and produce a warning if there is a mismatch.
(Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodEvaluateRunoffDischarge
Discharge from runoff out of link and into external model.
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetComponentMassInReservoir
Public methodGetDischarge
Discharge out of link into external model, positive into external model.
(Overrides StandardLinkGetDischarge.)
Public methodGetExternalConcentration
Set boundary concentration for component at index compj, i.e. concentration on the outside of the network.
(Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetInternalConcentration
Outflow concentration, concentration in MIKE 1D.
(Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodGetLinkNode
Get outlet/link node
(Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodGetM1DGroundLevel
Internal ground level
(Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodGetManholeConcentrations
Public methodGetOutflowDirectionAngle
Get compass heading in degrees of outlet outflow direction.
(Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodGetRunOffDischarge
Discharge from runoff out of link and into external model.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetWaterLevel
Water level on the internal side of the link
(Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodGetWaterLevelBoundaryValue
Get value of the water level that was applied to the outlet boundary
(Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodInitialize
Initialize standard link
(Inherited from StandardLink.)
Protected methodInitializeDischargeGetters (Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodInitializeInlet
Initialize inlet link
Protected methodInitializeOutletBoundary (Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodInitializeStandardLink
Initialize standard link
Public methodInitializeWaterLevelGetter (Inherited from StandardLink.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodPrepareAD
Prepare running with AD. Setting up AD boundaries on outlet.
(Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodPrepareADInlet
Prepare running with AD. Setting up AD boundaries on inlet.
Public methodPrepareForTimeStep
Prepare for next time step. Calculates discharge through link
Public methodPrepareHD
Prepare link, reassing boundary to network
(Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodQInflowFromCoupling
M21 to inlet calculates the exchange discharge and introduces it in the appropriate man hole. Exponential smoothing is used for the water level transferred from MIKE 21. Further an upper limit is placed on the discharge in the form of the Qmax which is a user parameter. These parameters along with a number of others parameters are read by M1D but not passed back to M21 e.g. crest width, discharge coefficient etc. Note that the discharge passed to Mouse consists of two contributions namely RR and the overland flow. The sum of these two are confined by the Qmax. If the sum of contributions is greater than Qmax then the limitation is applied to overland flow first and then to the RR contribution. If the latter is also restricted by Qmax then the excess is transferred into the MIKE 21 model i.e. the manhole is surcharged and the flow may spill into MIKE 21 against a possible water level difference.
Protected methodSet1DBottomLevel (Inherited from StandardLink.)
Protected methodSet1DGroundLevel (Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodSetDt
Public methodSetExternalConcentration
Set boundary concentration for component at index compj, i.e. concentration on the outside of the network.
(Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodSetExternalConcentrations
Set external concentrations for all components
(Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodSetExternalCoupledArea
Set the external coupled area
(Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodSetExternalGroundLevel
Set the external ground level
(Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodSetExternalVolume
Public methodSetExternalWaterLevel
Set external water level
(Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodSetInternalComponentInfo
Id of internal components.

Required for setting up the internal boundary condition.

(Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodSetLinkNode
Set outlet/link node.
(Inherited from StandardLink.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTransferState
Prepare for time step, transferring current values to "old" values state
(Inherited from StandardLink.)
See Also