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SourceLinkQInflowFromCoupling Method

M21 to inlet calculates the exchange discharge and introduces it in the appropriate man hole. Exponential smoothing is used for the water level transferred from MIKE 21. Further an upper limit is placed on the discharge in the form of the Qmax which is a user parameter. These parameters along with a number of others parameters are read by M1D but not passed back to M21 e.g. crest width, discharge coefficient etc. Note that the discharge passed to Mouse consists of two contributions namely RR and the overland flow. The sum of these two are confined by the Qmax. If the sum of contributions is greater than Qmax then the limitation is applied to overland flow first and then to the RR contribution. If the latter is also restricted by Qmax then the excess is transferred into the MIKE 21 model i.e. the manhole is surcharged and the flow may spill into MIKE 21 against a possible water level difference.

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.Engine.Couplings
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.Engine (in DHI.Mike1D.Engine.dll) Version: (
public double QInflowFromCoupling(
	Diagnostics diag


Type: DHI.Mike1D.GenericDiagnostics

[Missing <param name="diag"/> documentation for "M:DHI.Mike1D.Engine.Couplings.SourceLink.QInflowFromCoupling(DHI.Mike1D.Generic.Diagnostics)"]

Return Value

Type: Double

[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:DHI.Mike1D.Engine.Couplings.SourceLink.QInflowFromCoupling(DHI.Mike1D.Generic.Diagnostics)"]

See Also