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IResultDataHelper Interface

Helper class that extend the functionality of ResultData

Required for certain functions related to COM interop.

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.ResultDataAccess
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.ResultDataAccess (in DHI.Mike1D.ResultDataAccess.dll) Version: (
public interface IResultDataHelper

The IResultDataHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodCreateSearcher
Create a result-data searcher
Public methodNetworkDataReachData
From a network data object, return all reach data objects as an enumerator
Public methodNetworkDataReachDataToArray
From a network data object, return all reach data objects.
Public methodQuantitiesGlobal
Return all global quantities
Public methodQuantitiesOnCatchments
Return all quantities on catchments
Public methodQuantitiesOnNodes
Return all quantities on nodes
Public methodQuantitiesOnReaches
Return all quantities on reaches
Public methodReachDataValues
From a reach data object, return all reach location values as an enumerator
Public methodReachDataValuesToArray
From a reach data object, return all reach location values.
See Also