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IPeriodicScheduler Interface

Interface for a periodic scheduler. A periodic scheduler has a number of IPeriodicSchedule with each their IOneDayProfile attached. It searches through the list of IPeriodicSchedules and finds the first active one and uses its IOneDayProfile Special days can be added, in order to change the weekday behavior of some special days, using a given date as a sunday or similar.

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.BoundaryModule.PeriodicItem
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.BoundaryModule (in DHI.Mike1D.BoundaryModule.dll) Version: (
public interface IPeriodicScheduler

The IPeriodicScheduler type exposes the following members.

Public propertyId
Id of Periodic Pattern
Public propertyScheduleProfileMap
Schedule-DailyPattern map, ordered such that the top most ones are tested first
Public propertySpecialDays
Special days. Set to null to remove existing/disable.
Public methodAdd
Add a schedule and a dailyPattern to the PeriodicScheduler
Public methodCount
Number of Schedule-Pattern pairs
Public methodGetAccumulatedValue
Get the accumulated value in the time span.
Public methodGetProfileAt
Return the Schedule for the Schedule-dailyPattern pair at the specified index
Public methodGetScheduleAt
Return the Schedule for the Schedule-dailyPattern pair at the specified index
Public methodGetValue
Get the value at the given date.
Public methodPrepare
Prepare item for simulation.
Public methodRemoveAt
Remove a schedule and a dailyPattern at the specified index
Public methodValidate
Validate this
See Also