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CrossSectionBridgeGeometry Properties

The CrossSectionBridgeGeometry type exposes the following members.

Public propertycenterSkewness
Public propertycosSkewnessAngle
Public propertydataX_do
X data downstream
Public propertydataX_up
X data upstream
(Inherited from BridgeGeometry.)
Public propertydataZ_do
Z data downstream
Public propertydataZ_up
Z data upstream
Public propertyDatum
Public propertyDatumDownstream
Datum downstream
Public propertyIsStagnationPointsSet
IsStagnationPointsSet, specifies if stagnationpoints are set
(Inherited from BridgeGeometry.)
Public propertypierBp
Pier bp
Public propertyrelRes_do
Relative resistance downstream
Public propertyrelRes_up
Relative resistance upstream
Public propertyresistType
Resistance type, must be either Manning_M or Manning_n.
Public propertyresistValue
Resistance value
Public propertyskewnessAngle
Public propertySlope
Public propertyspurDykesTypeLeft
Public propertyspurDykesTypeRight
Public propertyStagnationPointDownStreamLeft
Stagnation point downstream left
(Inherited from BridgeGeometry.)
Public propertyStagnationPointDownStreamRight
Stagnation point downstream right
(Inherited from BridgeGeometry.)
Public propertyStagnationPointUpStreamLeft
Stagnation point upstream left
(Inherited from BridgeGeometry.)
Public propertyStagnationPointUpStreamRight
Stagnation point upstram right
(Inherited from BridgeGeometry.)
Public propertyUseDefaultStagnationPoints
Use default stagnation points
(Inherited from BridgeGeometry.)
Public propertyUseSlope
Use slope
Public propertyWaterWayLength
Water way length
Public propertyWaterWayLengthLeft
Water way length left
Public propertyWaterWayLengthRight
Waterway length right
Public propertyxm1_do
Marker 1 downstream
Public propertyxm1_up
Marker 1 upstream
(Inherited from BridgeGeometry.)
Public propertyxm3_do
Marker 3 downstream
Public propertyxm3_up
Marker 3 upstream
Public propertyxm4_do
Marker 4 downstream
Public propertyxm4_up
Marker 4 upstream
Public propertyxm5_do
Marker 5 downstream
Public propertyxm5_up
Marker 5 upstream
See Also