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LIDLayerSoil Properties

The LIDLayerSoil type exposes the following members.

Public propertyEvap
Evaporation rate [m/s].

Evaporation only takes place if the upper layer is unsaturated

Public propertyFieldCapacity
Volume of pore water relative to total volume after the soil has been allowed to drain fully (as a fraction). Below this level, infiltration/vertical drainage of water through the soil layer does not occur.

This is a fraction, which must always be less than the Porosity, and larger than the WiltingPoint.

Public propertyFlowMethod
Flag specifying which method to use for soil infiltration and percolation (leakage).
Public propertyGaConductivity
Conductivity of soil [m/s], used by the Green Ampt infiltration method
Public propertyGaConductivityCoefficient
Coefficient for conductivity of soil, used by the Green Ampt infiltration method.

Also called conductivity slope

Public propertyGaInfil
Green Ampt infiltration computational variables and state
Public propertyGaSuctionHead
Suction head of soil [m], used by the Green Ampt infiltration method
Public propertyInfiltrationCapacity
Capacity to infiltrate from surface to soil, in [m/s]
Public propertyLeakageCapacity
Capacity to percolate (leak/infiltrate) from soil to storage, in [m/s]
Public propertyMoisture
Moisture fraction, volume of pore water relative to total volume (as a fraction).

This fraction is always between WiltingPoint and the Porosity.

Public propertyMoistureOld
Moisture fraction of last time step
Public propertyPerc
Percolation rate. [m/s]

Speed of the water through the soil, effectively used as infiltration rate from soil to lower layer

Public propertyPorosity
Soil porosity; void volume fraction of total volume.
Public propertyThickness
Thickness of soil layer [m]
Public propertyVolume
Volume of free water per area [m] contained in soil. Bound water (below WiltingPoint) is not included
Public propertyWiltingPoint
Volume of bound water relative to total volume, i.e. water content in a fully dried soil (as a fraction). The moisture content of the soil cannot fall below this limit.

This is a fraction, which must always be less than the Porosity, and the FieldCapacity.

See Also