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StandardLink Properties

The StandardLink type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDischargeBoundaryType
Type of discharge transfer applied for standard links. Default is Coupled
Public propertyExternalGroundLevel
External (surface) ground level/bottom level Unit: [m] Default:
Public propertyExternalWaterLevel
External (surface) water level Unit: [m] Default:
Public propertyIsAdLink
Bool indicating if this will transfer AD
(Inherited from LinkBase.)
Public propertyIsSideStructure
Public propertyLinkLocation
Original location of link, or null if link is based on a node or structure id. Used for error reporting only
Public propertySmoothingFactor
Smoothing factor for exponential smoothing.
(Inherited from LinkBase.)
Public propertyWaterLevelBoundaryType
Type of water level boundary applied for standard links. Default is Coupled
See Also