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LateralLinkStructure Properties

The LateralLinkStructure type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCouplingCrestLevel
Crest level used in coupling calculations in the middle of the structure
Public propertyDischarge
Get the discharge into MIKE 1D.
Public propertyHpointIndex
Index of H-point that structure is connected to
Public propertyRiverCrestLevel
Crest level of river in the middle of the structure
Public propertySurfaceGroundLevel
Ground level of surface in the middle of the structure
Public propertyWeirCenteredChainage
Chainage at center of structure
Public propertyWeirImplicitSourcePoint
Public propertyWeirLinkHpoint
H-point that structure is connected to
Public propertyWeirStructure
Lateral link weir structure
Public propertyWeirWidth
Width of this weir
See Also