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IHDNode Methods

The IHDNode type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddSourceContribution
Lateral inflow, average value over time step or value at time N+½.

Be aware that you can not add lateral inflow to a node which is an active open boundary (has no effect).

Public methodInOutflowAnnul
After a HD time step (and before AD time step), it is possible to add or withdraw discharge from both source input and output.

The amount must be smaller than both SourcesInflow and SourcesOutflow, or, it will be limited to the largest of the two (because they cannot change sign)

Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAddToOffers
Add to "offers", i.e. quantities that can be outputted to result file and requested through the result proxy system
(Defined by ModuleHDExtensions.)
See Also