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FloodMapperCreateMapReachPoints Method

Create a list of points on the reach where geometry changes. That happens at cross section points due to the cross section, and at digipoints due to change in direction.

All cross section points will be added to the list. If a cross section point and a digi-point is inside LocationEqualTolerance, only the cross section point is added to the list.

This methods assumes csPoints and digiPoints start at same chainage and end at same chainage

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.FloodMap
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.FloodMap (in DHI.Mike1D.FloodMap.dll) Version: (
public CoordinateList CreateMapReachPoints(
	IList<FloodMapCsPoint> csPoints,
	ICoordinateSequence digiPoints


Type: System.Collections.GenericIListFloodMapCsPoint
Cross section points in reach
Type: ICoordinateSequence
Digi points of reach

Return Value

Type: CoordinateList

[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:DHI.Mike1D.FloodMap.FloodMapper.CreateMapReachPoints(System.Collections.Generic.IList{DHI.Mike1D.FloodMap.FloodMapCsPoint},DHI.Mike1D.Generic.Spatial.Geometry.ICoordinateSequence)"]

See Also