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XSBaseConvertRelativeResistanceMultiZones Method

Converts the ProcessedResistanceFactors according to a multizone set of absolute resistance values. Each input factor is applied between each level seperator, the first factor from -infinity to the first level, the second factor from the first level to the second level, and the last factor from the last level to infinity, i.e., the levelSeperators defines where one factor takes over from the previous. The factors array must be one longer than the levelSeperators array. The relative resistance factor is taken into account also. Results are stored in the ModifiedResistanceFactors and those are used in the calculation.

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.CrossSectionModule
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.CrossSectionModule (in DHI.Mike1D.CrossSectionModule.dll) Version: (
public void ConvertRelativeResistanceMultiZones(
	double[] depths,
	double[] resistanceValues,
	ResistanceFormulation absoluteFormulation


Type: SystemDouble
Monotonically increasing vector of levels
Type: SystemDouble
Resistance values
Type: DHI.Mike1D.GenericResistanceFormulation
The resistance formulation that the factors refer to
Average factors are applied for depths that fall exactly on one of the levelseperators
See Also