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PrfBridge Fields

The PrfBridge type exposes the following members.

Protected field_blockReader
Block reader
(Inherited from M11FfBridgeBase.)
Protected field_channelDataItemIndices
List as long as the number of channels in the prf file. For each channel it specifies which data item and index that the channel values should be stored in. Null if channel is to be disregarded.
(Inherited from M11FfBridgeBase.)
Protected field_channelUnitConversion
List as long as the number of channels in the prf file. Unit conversion factors for each of them
(Inherited from M11FfBridgeBase.)
Protected field_connection
File name and path
(Inherited from M11FfBridgeBase.)
Protected field_numTimeSteps
Number of time steps in file
(Inherited from M11FfBridgeBase.)
Protected field_resultData
Result data
(Inherited from M11FfBridgeBase.)
Protected field_simTimeSpan
Span of simulation
(Inherited from M11FfBridgeBase.)
Protected field_timeChannelIndex
Index of time channel
(Inherited from M11FfBridgeBase.)
Protected field_timeDescriptor
Time channel descriptor
(Inherited from M11FfBridgeBase.)
Protected field_timeStep
Size of time step
(Inherited from M11FfBridgeBase.)
Protected field_timeUnitSeconds
Seconds in one unit of time. Default is 3600 (hour time unit)
(Inherited from M11FfBridgeBase.)
Protected field_unitFactorChainage (Inherited from M11FfBridgeBase.)
Protected field_unitFactorDischarge (Inherited from M11FfBridgeBase.)
Protected field_unitFactorLength (Inherited from M11FfBridgeBase.)
Protected field_unitFactorXy (Inherited from M11FfBridgeBase.)
Protected field_unitFactorZ (Inherited from M11FfBridgeBase.)
Protected field_unitProvider
Unit provider, null if not enabled
(Inherited from M11FfBridgeBase.)
Protected field_userUnitDischarge (Inherited from M11FfBridgeBase.)
See Also