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DfsuBuilder Methods

The DfsuBuilder type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddDynamicItem
Add a dynamic item.
Public methodStatic memberCreate
Create a new dfsu builder
Public methodCreateFile
Create and return a dfsu file
Public methodCreateStream
Create and return a dfsu file, writing content to stream
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSetElementIds
Set the element id's. Optional. If not set, default values are used (1,2,3,...)
Public methodSetElements
Set element connectivity: For each element is specified which nodes the element consist of. The node is specified by its index into the list of nodes.
Public methodSetFromMeshFile
Public methodSetNodeIds
Set the node id's. Optional. If not set, default values are used (1,2,3,...)
Public methodSetNodes(Double, Double, Single, Int32)
Set node coordinates and code. Depending on the projection string, node coordinates are in meters or degrees.
Public methodSetNodes(Single, Single, Single, Int32) Obsolete.
Set node coordinates and code. Depending on the projection string, node coordinates are in meters or degrees.
Public methodSetNumberOfSigmaLayers
Set the number of sigma layers in a file with a vertical dimension
Public methodSetNumberOfTimeSteps
Sets the number of time steps in the file.

This is only required in streaming context, where it is not possible to update the dfs header when everything is written to the file. In a non-streaming context this should not be used.

This is a stage 1 method.

Public methodSetProjection
Set the geographical projection
Public methodSetTemporalAxis
Set a non-standard temporal axis for the dfsu file. WARNING: The dfsu file will not be valid in all contexts.

The standard dfsu file requires an IDfsEqCalendarAxis temporal axis. You can use the SetTimeInfo(DateTime, Double) method to define a valid IDfsEqCalendarAxis axis for the dfsu file.

If you define another temporal axis than the IDfsEqCalendarAxis for a dfsu file, be sure to test that the file works as intended in your context.

Public methodSetTimeInfo
Set time info, specifying an equidistant calendar axis, which is the default (always valid) temporal axis of a dfsu file.
Public methodSetZUnit
Set unit of the z coordinate. By default the unit is meters, but the unit can be overridden by setting it explicitly here. The unit must be a length unit (convertable to meters).
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodValidate
Validate will return a string of issues from the item builder. When this returns an empty list, the item has been properly build.
See Also