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DfsuBuilderSetTemporalAxis Method

Set a non-standard temporal axis for the dfsu file. WARNING: The dfsu file will not be valid in all contexts.

The standard dfsu file requires an IDfsEqCalendarAxis temporal axis. You can use the SetTimeInfo(DateTime, Double) method to define a valid IDfsEqCalendarAxis axis for the dfsu file.

If you define another temporal axis than the IDfsEqCalendarAxis for a dfsu file, be sure to test that the file works as intended in your context.

Namespace:  DHI.Generic.MikeZero.DFS.dfsu
Assembly:  DHI.Generic.MIKEZero.DFS (in DHI.Generic.MIKEZero.DFS.dll) Version: (
public void SetTemporalAxis(
	IDfsTemporalAxis timeAxis


Type: DHI.Generic.MikeZero.DFSIDfsTemporalAxis
See Also