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ICatchmentNamInitial Interface

Initial values that is required by the NAM catchment model.

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.RainfallRunoffModule
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.RainfallRunoffModule (in DHI.Mike1D.RainfallRunoffModule.dll) Version: (
public interface ICatchmentNamInitial

The ICatchmentNamInitial type exposes the following members.

Public propertyGroundWaterDepth
Initial ground water depth.

Type: Ground water depth, Unit: [m], Default: 10.0

Public propertyInterFlow
Initial interflow

Type: Discharge, Unit: [m3/s], Default: 0.0

Public propertyInterFlowFirstReservoir
Initial interflow from first reservoir

Type: Discharge, Unit: [m3/s], Default: 0.0

Public propertyLowerBaseFlow
Initial lower base flow

Type: Discharge, Unit: [m3/s], Default: 0.0

Public propertyNumberOfSnowZones
Variable holding the number of snow zones. Setting this variable should update the SnowStorage and WaterRetention accordingly, or at least make sure that this number of snow zones as a minimum is available.
Public propertyOverLandFirstReservoirStorage
Initial amount of water stored in the first overland reservoir.

Type: Height, Unit: [mm], Default: 0.0

Public propertyOverlandFlow
Initial overland flow

Type: Discharge, Unit: [m3/s], Default: 0.0

Public propertyOverlandFlowFirstReservoir
Initial overland flow from first reservoir

Type: Discharge, Unit: [m3/s], Default: 0.0

Public propertyOverLandSecondReservoirStorage
Initial amount of water stored in the second overland reservoir.

Type: Height, Unit: [mm], Default: 0.0

Public propertyRelativeRootZoneStorageContent
Initial relative water content in the root zone. Relative to RootZoneStorageMax

Type: Dimensionless, Unit: [], Default: 0.0

Public propertyRelativeSurfaceStorageContent
Initial relative water content in the surface storage. Relative to SurfaceStorageMax

Type: Dimensionless, Unit: [], Default: 0.0

Public propertySnowStorage
Initial snow storage used when zonal approach is used. The amount of water present in the form of snow or ice.

Type: Water content as snow, Unit: [mm], Default: 0.0, Size: NumberOfSnowZones

Public propertyWaterRetention
Initial water retention used when zonal approach is used, the amount of water (melted) that are retained within the snow.

Type: Water content as water (melted) in snow, Unit: [mm], Default: 0.0, Size: NumberOfSnowZones

Public methodFinalConditions
Apply some final conditions and modificatins

This is currently used to set initial conditions of derived values for hotstart, such as capillary flux, from the hotstart file, making such values equal to the hotstart value, even though this has no effect on the runoff results.

See Also