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IHDHGridPoint Interface

HD Storage point. Represents the volume between the Q-points before and after.

The HD H grid point contains water level (state) and volume.

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.Engine.ModuleHD
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.Engine (in DHI.Mike1D.Engine.dll) Version: (
public interface IHDHGridPoint

The IHDHGridPoint type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCourantNumber
The Courant Number reflects the fraction between the amount of volume flowing through the cell in one time step and the amount of volume of water in the cell.

If the value is larger than one, all the water in the cell is "replaced" during a single time step.

Public propertyDischargeNph
Discharge for time n+½ Unit: [m^3/s]

For internal grid points it is the average discharge between the upstream and downstream q grid point. For reach end grid points this is the time step average inflow/outflow to/from the reach (into/out off the grid point), used for mass balance.

Public propertyFlowAreaNph
Flow Area at time n+½ (crossSectional flow area)
Public propertyGridPoint
Engine grid point matching this gridpoint
Public propertySourcesInflow
Accumulated inflow sources (lateral inflow) at current time step. Always positive.
Public propertySourcesInflowAll
Accumulated inflow sources (lateral inflow) at current time step. Always positive.
Public propertySourcesOutflow
Accumulated outflow sources (lateral outflow) at current time step. Always negative. It does not include SourcesOutflowSurface
Public propertySourcesOutflowAll
Accumulated outflow sources (lateral inflow) at current time step. Always negative.
Public propertySourcesOutflowSurface
Accumulated surface outflow sources at current time step. Always negative. This is water removed without component mass, typically evapotranspiration
Public propertyStorageWidthNph
Storage width at time n+½
Public propertySurfaceAreaNph
Surface Area at time n+½ (storage area)
Public propertyVolumeError
Volume error in time step
Public propertyWaterLevelN
Water level for time n. Unit: [m]
Public propertyWaterLevelNp1
Water level for time n+1. Unit: [m]
Public propertyWaterLevelNpd
Water level for time n+delta
Public propertyWaterVolumeN
Volume in grid point at time n
Public propertyWaterVolumeNp1
Volume in grid point at time n+1
Public methodAddSourceContribution
Add a source contribution to the HD H grid point.
Public methodCrossSectionUpdated
Method that must be called when a cross section has an updated geometry
Public methodGetVolume
Volume in grid point for given water level. Includes volume from additional storage/surface area.
See Also