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MathUtilGetIndeces Method

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Public methodStatic memberGetIndeces(DateTime, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Finds the two indexes in a mononton vector using bisection search. This can handle as well increasing as decreasing vectors, as long as they are monotone. The indexes corresponds to the points neighbouring the argument, arg. In case of an exact match the two indexes will be identical. If the argument is outside the valid interval either the lower or the upper interval boundary is returned depending on wheter the argument is lower or higher than the lower or upper boundary, respectively.
Public methodStatic memberGetIndeces(Double, MathUtilIDataToInterpolate, Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Finds the two indexes in a mononton vector using bisection search. This can handle as well increasing as decreasing vectors, as long as they are monotone. The indexes corresponds to the points neighbouring the argument, arg. In case of an exact match the two indexes will be identical. If the argument is outside the valid interval either the lower or the upper interval boundary is returned depending on wheter the argument is lower or higher than the lower or upper boundary, respectively.
Public methodStatic memberGetIndeces(Double, Double, Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Finds the two indexes in a mononton vector using bisection search. This can handle as well increasing as decreasing vectors, as long as they are monotone. The indexes corresponds to the points neighbouring the argument, arg. In case of an exact match the two indexes will be identical. If the argument is outside the valid interval either the lower or the upper interval boundary is returned depending on wheter the argument is lower or higher than the lower or upper boundary, respectively.
See Also