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LocationSpanContainsChainage Method

Overload List
Public methodContainsChainage(Double)
Decides wheather a chainage value is contained inside the location span chainage values or on the edge of the span. Comparison uses the Constants.LOCATION_EQUAL_TOLERANCE, i.e., the chainage can be tolerance outside the span and still be contained.
Public methodContainsChainage(Double, Double)
Decides wheather a chainage value is contained inside the location span chainage values. Comparison uses the tolerance parameter i.e., the chainage can be tolerance outside the span before it is contained. Negative values for tolerance are allowed ("shortening" the span)
Public methodStatic memberContainsChainage(Double, Double, Double)
Decides wheather a chainage value is contained inside the location span chainage values or on the edge of the span. Comparison uses the Constants.LOCATION_EQUAL_TOLERANCE, i.e., the chainage can be tolerance outside the span and still be contained.
Public methodStatic memberContainsChainage(Double, Double, Double, Double)
Decides wheather a chainage value is contained inside the location span chainage values. Comparison uses the tolerance parameter i.e., the chainage can be tolerance outside the span before it is contained. Negative values for tolerance are allowed ("shortening" the span)
See Also