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LIDExtension Methods

The LIDExtension type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberSetSoilMoisture
Set soil/pavement moisture of lid, independent of type.

If lid does not have a soil/pavement layer, an exception is thrown

Public methodStatic memberSetStorageDepth
Set storage depth of lid, independent of type.

If lid does not have a storage layer, an exception is thrown

Public methodStatic memberSetSurfaceDepth
Set surface depth of lid, independent of type.

If lid does not have a surface layer, an exception is thrown

Public methodStatic memberSoilMoisture
Get soil/pavement moisture of lid, independent of type.

If lid does not have a soil/pavement layer, an exception is thrown

Public methodStatic memberStorageDepth
Get storage depth of lid, independent of type.

If lid does not have a storage layer, an exception is thrown

Public methodStatic memberSurfaceDepth
Get surface depth of lid, independent of type.

If lid does not have a surface layer, an exception is thrown

See Also