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Res1DStreamBridge Fields

The Res1DStreamBridge type exposes the following members.

Protected field_connection
Protected field_contained
Table to indicate which items to read. Determined by the filter in ReadDynamicDataHeader()
Protected field_dfsFile
Protected field_dfsFileStream
Protected field_dynamicItems
List of same size as the dynamic items in the dfs file.
Protected field_lastTime
Last time when the data was outputted.
Protected field_predefItemData
Predefined DFS item data, used when reading, for performance.
Protected field_resultData
Protected field_useUbgUnits
Flag indicating whether file is being read in Ubg user units. Not used when writing
Protected fieldStatic memberRES1D_VERSION
Version of the MIKE 1D file format

The integer part is the major version number and the fractional part is the minor version number.

If only the minor version number differs, bridge should be backward and forward compatible, forward compatible meaning that older bridge can read newer files, though it will usually miss the new functionality

If the major version number differs, bridge will only be backward compatible.

See Also