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IDamBreakErosion Interface

Parameters for erosion based dam break.

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.StructureModule
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.StructureModule (in DHI.Mike1D.StructureModule.dll) Version: (
public interface IDamBreakErosion

The IDamBreakErosion type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBreachSlope
Final bottom breach slope of erosion failure.
Public propertyCriticalShearStress
Erosion failure critical shear stress. If the shear stress exceeds the critical shear stress, then the material in the breach erodes away.
Public propertyDownstreamSlope
Erosion failure downstream slope.
Public propertyFailureMode
Erosion failure mode
Public propertyFinalBottomLevel
Final bottom breach level of erosion failure.
Public propertyFinalBottomWidth
Final bottom breach width of erosion failure.
Public propertyGrainDiameter
Erosion failure grain diameter.
Public propertyInitialBreachFailureLevel
Initial level of breach when erosion failure is initiated at the breach crest.
Public propertyInitialBreachFailureWidth
Initial width of breach when erosion failure is initiated at the breach crest.
Public propertyPipeDiameter
Initial diameter of the pipe.
Public propertyPipeFailureCalibrationCoefficient
Pipe failure calibration coefficient
Public propertyPipeFailureCollapseRatio
Collapse Ratio (D/y) > 0: When the ratio between the diameter of the pipe and the distance from the top of the dam to the top of the pipe is larger than the collapse ratio the pipe collapses.
Public propertyPipeFailureVolumeLossRatio
Volume Loss Ratio 0 - 1: When the dam collapses some of the material may be carried out without depositing on the bed of the breach. The volume loss ratio is the fraction of the material to be washed out immediately after collapse.
Public propertyPipeLevel
Level at which the pipe is located (initially).
Public propertyPipeRoughness
Pipe roughness, used to calculate the Darcy friction factor. Increased roughness decrease discharge through the pipe.
Public propertyPorosity
Erosion failure porosity
Public propertySideErosionIndex
Erosion failure side erosion index. The side erosion index is a proportionality factor that determines the amount of erosion of the breach sides. The higher the side index, the more material is eroded away from the breach sides. Generally in the [0.5; 1.0] range.
Public propertySpecificGravity
Erosion failure specific gravity.
Public propertyTopWidth
Top width of the dam when using erosion based breach failure.
Public propertyUpstreamSlope
Erosion failure upstream slope.
See Also