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EngineStatus Enumeration

State of the simulation

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.Engine
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.Engine (in DHI.Mike1D.Engine.dll) Version: (
public enum EngineStatus
  Member nameValueDescription
Created0 The engine has just been created.

This is the initial state. All data access components are empty or uninitialized. Either load a setup, or manually set it up through the data access components.

Loading1 The engine is loading a setup.

This status will end in a status change to Loaded or Failed.

Loaded2 The engine has succesfully loaded the setup.

Changes to the data access compenent are allowed in this state.

Validating3 The engine is validating whether it is setup properly.

This status will end in a status change to the state (Valid) or Invalid.

Valid4 The engine is in a valid state, and setup properly. At this point, the engine can be initialized
Invalid5 The component is in an invalid state. When updating itself not all required input will be available, and/or it will not be able to provide the required output.

The user can try modify the setup, and then validate again.

Initializing6 The engine is initializing itself.

This status will end in a status change to Initialized or Failed.

During the initializing state the engine will initialize the static part of the engine, set up the computational network.

Initialized7 The engine has succesfully initialized itself.

All static data structures have been created. It is possible to query the engine for the computational network and connect to offered/accepted quantities.

Preparing8 The engine is preparing itself for running the simulation.

This state will end in a status change to Paused or Failed.

During the preparing state the engine will initialize the dynamic state, set up initial conditions, open input and output files.

Running9 The engine is running.
Paused10 The engine is paused or not yet started.
Done11 The engine has performed the simulation
Finishing12 The engine is finishing, freeing and cleaning up the dynamic state and closing output files.

When all required actions have been performed, the status changes to Finished.

Finished13 The engine has successfully performed its finalization actions.
Failed14 The linkable component has failed in an operation.
See Also