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IBottomSlot Interface

Interface to a top slot. A slot is not responsible for checking whether the water level argument is valid for the slot. Such a check should be done before using the slot.

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.CrossSectionModule
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.CrossSectionModule (in DHI.Mike1D.CrossSectionModule.dll) Version: (
public interface IBottomSlot : ISlot

The IBottomSlot type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetAdditionalSurfaceArea
Returns the additional storage area of the slot given the water level.
(Inherited from ISlot.)
Public methodGetFlowArea
Returns the flow area of the slot given the water level.
(Inherited from ISlot.)
Public methodGetFlowAreaDerivative
Returns the flow area of the slot given the water level.
(Inherited from ISlot.)
Public methodGetRadius
Returns the hydraulic radius for the given water level.
(Inherited from ISlot.)
Public methodGetRadiusDerivative
Get the derivate of the hydraulic radius at the given water level.
(Inherited from ISlot.)
Public methodGetResistanceFactor
Resistance factor for the given water level. This will always return absolute resistance values.
(Inherited from ISlot.)
Public methodGetResistanceFactorDerivative
Get the derivative of the resistance factor at the given water level
(Inherited from ISlot.)
Public methodGetStorageWidth
Returns the width of the slot given the water level.
(Inherited from ISlot.)
Public methodMoveSlot
Move slot up or down, to match the specified bottom level.

For bottom slots, initially the bottom level is set to ZMin

Public methodValidate
Validate the object
(Inherited from ISlot.)
See Also