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GriddedSource Properties

The GriddedSource type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBoundaryID
ID of boundary
Public propertyCatchmentGriddedWeights
The catchments that uses this boundary. It also can hold the catchment weights, i.e. for each catchment specifying which cells in the grid that is inside the catchment, and a weight for calculation the average source contribution of all included cells.

If no weights are defined, only catchment ID's, weights will be calculated automatically

Public propertyFilePath
Path to 2D data
Public propertyItemIndex
0-based item index in time series file.
Public propertyUseGlobally
Flag specifying that this grid should be applied globally to all catchment and weights are calculated automatically.
Public propertyValueType
Type of value in the time series. Set to null to use information stored in the grid file itself. If set to some value, it will override the information stored in the grid file.
See Also