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DHI.Mike1D.Engine.ModuleST Namespace

ST Module
Public classNonCohesiveParameters
Local values of non-cohesive parameters for one fraction
Public classSTModule
ST module handles sediment transport
Public interfaceIBedLoadCalculator
Bed load calculator interface, can calculate bed load
Public interfaceISTGridPoint
ISTGridpoint with bed shear stress calculator, availableVolumeForComponent and IHdhgridpoint
Public interfaceISTNode
Interface for ST Node
Public interfaceISTReach
Public interfaceISTRemoval
Interface for modifying a load, usually removing load through structures and basins.

It is used in BedLoadRemoval and must be set after the initialize phase.

In some cases it is called twice for each time step, with two seperate contributions that must be handled independently.

Public interfaceISTStructureReach
Interface for an ST structure reach.
Public interfaceISuspendedLoadCalculator
Suspended load calculator interface, can calculate equilibrium concentration