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CrossSectionDataFindCrossSection Method

Find a cross section based on the location and topoID. If no cross section is found (chainage within Constants.LOCATION_EQUAL_TOLERANCE), null is returned.

If the reach defined in the location has a global cross section, the global cross section is returned. TODO: Consider returning null instead

This is meant for editing the cross sections, use Get to always get a cross section at a location.

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.CrossSectionModule
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.CrossSectionModule (in DHI.Mike1D.CrossSectionModule.dll) Version: (
public ICrossSection FindCrossSection(
	ILocation location,
	string topoID


Type: DHI.Mike1D.GenericILocation
Location at which to look for a cross section
Type: SystemString
Topo id to look for

Return Value

Type: ICrossSection
A cross section at the location. null if not found
See Also