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MeshFile Properties

The MeshFile type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCode
Node boundary code.

You can modify each value individually directly in the list, or provide a new array of values, which must have the same length as the original one.

Public propertyElementIds
Element Id's

You can modify each value individually directly in the list, or provide a new array of values, which must have the same length as the original one.

Be aware that changing this to anything but the default values (1,2,3,...) can make some tools stop working.

Public propertyElementTable
The ElementTable defines for each element which nodes that defines the element.

The numbers in the ElementTable are node numbers, not indices! Each value in the table must be between 1 and number-of-nodes.

You can modify each value individually directly in the list, or provide a new array of values, which must have the same length as the original one.

Public propertyElementType
Array of element types. See documentation for each type.
Public propertyEumQuantity
Quantity of the data stored in the mesh file. This is the quantity of the Z variable.
Public propertyNodeIds
Node Id's

You can modify each value individually directly in the list, or provide a new array of values, which must have the same length as the original one.

Be aware that changing this to anything but the default values (1,2,3,...) can make some tools stop working.

Public propertyNumberOfElements
Number of elements in the mesh
Public propertyNumberOfNodes
Number of nodes in the mesh.
Public propertyProjectionString
The projection string

IDfsProjection for details on its format.

Public propertyX
Node X coordinates.

You can modify each coordinate individually directly in the list, or provide a new array of coordinates, which must have the same length as the original one.

Public propertyY
Node Y coordinates.

You can modify each coordinate individually directly in the list, or provide a new array of coordinates, which must have the same length as the original one.

Public propertyZ
Node Z coordinates.

You can modify each coordinate individually directly in the list, or provide a new array of coordinates, which must have the same length as the original one.

See Also