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DfsuFile Properties

The DfsuFile type exposes the following members.

Public propertyApplicationTitle
Title of application creating the file
Public propertyApplicationVersion
Version number of appliation creating the file.
Public propertyCode
Boundary code of node. 0 means not a boundary node.
Public propertyDeleteValueFloat
Delete (undefined/missing) value
Public propertyDfsuFileType
Type of dfsu file.
Public propertyElementIds
Id for each element. Usually starts from 1 and increases, but needs not to.
Public propertyElementTable
The ElementTable defines for each element which nodes that defines the element.

The numbers in the ElementTable are node numbers, not indices! Each value in the table are between 1 and number-of-nodes.

Public propertyElementType
Type of element.
Public propertyFileName
Name of file
Public propertyFileTitle
Title of file
Public propertyItemInfo
List of dynamic item info.
Public propertyNodeIds
Id for each node. Usually starts from 1 and increases, but needs not to.
Public propertyNumberOfElements
Number of elements in the mesh.
Public propertyNumberOfLayers
For files with a vertical dimension, returns the maximum number of layers.
Public propertyNumberOfNodes
Number of nodes in the mesh.
Public propertyNumberOfSigmaLayers
For files with a vertical dimension, returns the number of sigma layers.
Public propertyNumberOfTimeSteps
Number of time steps in the file
Public propertyProjection
Geographical projection.
Public propertyStartDateTime
Start date time of the file. If time axis is not a calendar type axis, MinValue is returned.

Setting the StartDateTime for an axis that is not of calendar type, will throw an exception.

Public propertyTimeAxis
Temporal axis of dfsu file.
Public propertyTimeStepInSeconds
Time step in seconds. If time axis is not an equidistant type axis, zero is returned.

Setting the time step for an axis that is not of equidistant type, will throw an exception.

Public propertyX
X coordinates of nodes
Public propertyY
Y coordinates of nodes
Public propertyZ
Z coordinates of nodes
Public propertyZUnit
Unit of the z coordinate. The unit must be a length unit (convertable to meters).
See Also