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IDfs3Builder Properties

The IDfs3Builder type exposes the following members.

Public propertyApplicationTitle
Get/Set the title of the application writing the file.

This is a stage 1 method. Setting in stage 2 has no effect.

(Inherited from IDfs123Builder.)
Public propertyApplicationVersion
Set the version number of the application writing the file.

This is a stage 1 method. Setting in stage 2 has no effect.

(Inherited from IDfs123Builder.)
Public propertyDataType
Get/Set the data type.

The data type tags the file as a special dfs file type. There exists no global system for maintaining these tag-variables. The tag-variables should only be interpreted locally within one model-complex e.g. MIKE 21. The application programmer can tag bathymetries, result files, input files freely.

This is a stage 1 method. Setting in stage 2 will fail.

(Inherited from IDfs123Builder.)
Public propertyDeleteValueByte
Gets/sets the delete value of type byte

This is a stage 1 method. Setting in stage 2 has no effect.

(Inherited from IDfs123Builder.)
Public propertyDeleteValueDouble
Gets/sets the delete value of type double

This is a stage 1 method. Setting in stage 2 has no effect.

(Inherited from IDfs123Builder.)
Public propertyDeleteValueFloat
Gets/sets the delete value of type float

This is a stage 1 method. Setting in stage 2 has no effect.

(Inherited from IDfs123Builder.)
Public propertyDeleteValueInt
Gets/sets the delete value of type int

This is a stage 1 method. Setting in stage 2 has no effect.

(Inherited from IDfs123Builder.)
Public propertyDeleteValueUnsignedInt
Gets/sets the delete value of type unsigned int

This is a stage 1 method. Setting in stage 2 has no effect.

(Inherited from IDfs123Builder.)
Public propertyFileTitle
Get/Set the title of the file.

This is a stage 1 method. Setting in stage 2 has no effect.

(Inherited from IDfs123Builder.)
Public propertyProjection
Get/Set the geographical projection and reference coordinates.

This must be set.

This is a stage 1 method. Setting in stage 2 will fail.

(Inherited from IDfs123Builder.)
Public propertySpatialAxis
Get/Set the spatial axis of the file. This must be one of the allowed axis, depending on the file builder

This must be set.

This is a stage 1 method. Setting in stage 2 will fail.

(Inherited from IDfs123Builder.)
Public propertyTemporalAxis
Sets the temporal axis of the file.

This must be set.

This is a stage 1 method. Setting in stage 2 will fail.

(Inherited from IDfs123Builder.)
See Also