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Dfs2Util Methods

The Dfs2Util type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCreateEmptyItemData(IDfs2File, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberCreateEmptyItemDataT(IDfs2File, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberCreateM21MiscCustomBlock
Create a "M21_Misc" custom block
Public methodStatic memberGenerateMaxItemData
Reads all timesteps of a dfs2 file item and returns one item data with the maximum value over time.
Public methodStatic memberGenerateMinItemData
Reads all timesteps of a dfs2 file item and returns one item data with the minimum value over time.
Public methodStatic memberLandValue
Extract land-value from a HPQ dfs2 file.

Value is extracted from the 3rd position of the "M21_Misc" custom block.

If the "M21_Misc" custom block is not found, an exception is thrown.

Public methodStatic memberReadFloatTimeSeriesByPoint
This method will read all items and timesteps and return the values on the xIndex,yIndex in the grid as time series.

first dimension is time, second is items.

This method will fail if not all items are of type float.

See Also