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RadialGate Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  DHI.Mike1D.StructureModule
Assembly:  DHI.Mike1D.StructureModule (in DHI.Mike1D.StructureModule.dll) Version: (
public class RadialGate : Gate, IRadialGate, 
	IGate, IStructure, IDoubleProxy, IQuantityProxy, IPlotableStructure, 

The RadialGate type exposes the following members.

Public methodRadialGate
Initializes a new instance of the RadialGate class
Public propertyActualGateLevel (Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertydDischargedDownStreamWaterLevel (Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertydDischargedUpStreamWaterLevel (Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyDelhs
Public propertyDischarge (Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyDownstreamWaterLevel (Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyDynamicMaxGateLevel (Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertyDynamicMinGateLevel (Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertyExtensionData (Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyFlowArea (Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyFlowFactor (Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyHeight
Public propertyHorizontalOffSetFromMarker2
Public propertyID (Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyIDInUserUnit (Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyImplicit (Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyInitialGateLevel (Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertyInvertLevelDownstream (Overrides StructureInvertLevelDownstream.)
Public propertyInvertLevelUpstream (Overrides StructureInvertLevelUpstream.)
Public propertyLength (Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyLocation (Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyMaxSpeed (Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertyMaxValue (Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertyMultiplicator (Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertyRadius
Public propertyRunTimeDiagnostics (Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertySideStructureBank (Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertySideStructureReservoir (Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertySillLevel (Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertyStructureType (Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyTopoID (Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyTransitionBottom
Public propertyTransitionDepth
Public propertyTrunnion
Public propertyTuneFactor
Public propertyType (Overrides StructureType.)
Public propertyUpstreamWaterLevel (Inherited from Structure.)
Public propertyUseControlledMaxGateLevel (Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertyUseControlledMinGateLevel (Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertyUseMaxValue (Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertyUseMomentumEquation (Inherited from Gate.)
Public propertyWeirCoefficient
Public propertyWeirExponent
Public propertyWidth (Inherited from Gate.)
Public methodAccepts (Inherited from Structure.)
Protected methodApplyFlowFactor (Inherited from Structure.)
Public methodControlClose (Inherited from Gate.)
Public methodControlOpen (Inherited from Gate.)
Public methodControlSetFlowFactor (Inherited from Structure.)
Public methodControlSetGateLevel (Inherited from Gate.)
Public methodControlSetMaxLevel (Inherited from Gate.)
Public methodControlSetMinLevel (Inherited from Gate.)
Public methodDescription (Inherited from Structure.)
Public methodDispose (Inherited from Structure.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodExplicitStructureSupport (Inherited from Structure.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetArea
Public methodGetControlAction (Inherited from Gate.)
Public methodGetCurrentValue (Inherited from Gate.)
Protected methodGetDepth
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInitialize(IDiagnostics) (Inherited from Structure.)
Public methodInitialize(ICrossSection, ICrossSection, Boolean, IDiagnostics) (Overrides GateInitialize(ICrossSection, ICrossSection, Boolean, IDiagnostics).)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodOffers (Inherited from Structure.)
Public methodPrepare(HDParameterData, IDiagnostics) (Overrides StructurePrepare(HDParameterData, IDiagnostics).)
Public methodPrepare(DateTime, HDParameterData, IDiagnostics) (Inherited from Structure.)
Public methodPrepareTimeStep (Inherited from Gate.)
Public methodReadState (Inherited from Gate.)
Public methodResetControlledState (Overrides GateResetControlledState.)
Public methodSetControlStrategyId (Inherited from Structure.)
Protected methodSetInputWaterLevels (Inherited from Structure.)
Public methodSetWaterLevels(Double, Double) (Overrides StructureSetWaterLevels(Double, Double).)
Public methodSetWaterLevels(Double, Double, DateTime) (Inherited from Structure.)
Protected methodSetZeroFlow (Inherited from Structure.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUpdatedWaterLevels (Inherited from Structure.)
Public methodValidate (Overrides StructureValidate.)
Public methodValueGetter (Inherited from Gate.)
Public methodValueSetter (Inherited from Structure.)
Public methodWriteState (Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_accepts (Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_actualGateLevel (Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_controlStategyId (Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_downstreamWaterLevel (Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_dqdhDownstream (Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_dqdhUpstream (Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_dynamicMaxGateLevel (Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_dynamicMinGateLevel (Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_flowArea (Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_flowDir (Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_flowFactor (Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_height
Protected field_id (Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_implicit (Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_initialGateLevel (Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_location (Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_maxSpeed (Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_maxValue (Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_multiplicator (Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_offers (Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_previousGateLevel (Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_q (Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_runTimeDiagnostics (Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_sillLevel (Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_timeOfPreviousGateLevelChange (Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_topoID (Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_upstreamWaterLevel (Inherited from Structure.)
Protected field_useDynamicMaxGateLevel (Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_useDynamicMinGateLevel (Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_useMaxValue (Inherited from Gate.)
Protected field_width (Inherited from Gate.)
Extension Methods
See Also